Join PetVille Community

NOTICE! I must temporarily suspend all applications to join PetVille. Real Life has gotten in the way. If anyone would like to help with or take over this site PLEASE E-MAIL ME!

Join Our PetVille Community!

If you have a site for or about your pets, apply to join our community.

Each site that joins will get it's own house one the appropriate street (Alleycat Lane for cat sites, Tailwaggers Way for dog sites, etc.), and a link to your site. You may also join any of our Awards and Webrings.

PetVille is a Kid Safe Community. No adult material, porn, hacking, bigotry, hate sites, child exploitation, excessively offensive material or language or warez allowed. Commercial sites need not apply.

Your site will be viewed and voted on by a panel of PetVille Mentors. You will receive an acknowledgment of your application within a day and you will be informed of whether or not you have been accepted within ten days of submitting your site.

If your application is rejected, you will receive an explanation as to why and suggestions to fix up your site to make it worthy of our Community, and you will be encouraged to try again. You will also be offered help by our Mentors to make your site the best it can be.

If you think your site belongs in PetVille, apply now!

Your Name:

Your E-mail address:

Your Site URL:

Your Site Title:

Year of Birth:
(ie: 1999)
By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13.


What Color House Would You Like?

What Street Do You Want To Live On?

Site Description:

All graphics created by Ariel.

© 2003 PetVille Mentors. All rights reserved.